Wednesday 31 August 2011

Captain's Ball Team Limit Raised

Due to overwhelming popularity for Captain's Ball, we've raised the team limit to 18 instead of 12! And we've decided to do away with Handball since there there were no teams registered for it.

Meanwhile, the official registration deadline will be 4 September 2359H so please make sure you don't wait around anymore.

Sign up now!


  1. cmon man, we were JUST going to sign for handball

  2. jst put it back on and see whether more teams sign up for it? you can cancel it at a later date man

  3. Hi Yip Yang, we've directed resources from handball over to captain's ball so we'll encourage you to sign up for captain's ball instead! As we're no longer loaning the necessary equipment for Handball, it won't be possible for us to put it back on. So sorry to disappoint!

  4. hi roughly how long will the captains ball league take to complete?

  5. yea, i hope to see more referees at the captains ball game
